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Ecosystem Aces - Pro Panel “Shifting the Mindset - From Channels to Ecosystems”

The world of Ecosystem Partnering is heating up! We see more and more businesses, leaders and partner professionals moving from a Channel to Ecosystem mindset.  This paradigm shift is driven by fundamental changes in the way tech businesses are going to market together.

We are super excited to present our first edition of Ecosystem Aces-Pro Panel! Where WorkSpan brings together seasoned partner leaders to share their thoughts, ideas and perspective on these changes and how their businesses are taking advantage in the market.

Jay McBain has declared we are “in the early innings of the Decade of Ecosystems” and IDC declares that “companies that adopt an ecosystem business model will grow 50% faster than those that do not”.

So how do we get there?  The panel explored “Shifting the Mindset-From Channels to Ecosystem''. 

The panel focused on the following discussion points:

  • “The Decade of Ecosystems” - how are you seeing this in your partnering activities?
  • What benefits do you see in building a more diverse partner ecosystem? How is this paradigm shift helping organizations succeed
  • How is this shift changing the roles for partner managers? Are ecosystem partner managers a different profile?
  • Have you been successful in “shifting the mindset” of the rest of your organization toward ecosystem partnering? What challenges have you found?
  • What are the top 3 important things to get right in an ecosystem?

Watch now and walk away with more insights and understanding on the growing importance of the partner ecosystem and how it can help organizations succeed. 

Watch Now!

Guest Panelists

Dustin Avol

Director of Market Strategy and Partnerships


Michelle Auchinachie

Ecosystem Director

Arcadis Gen

Pablo Hanono

Senior Manager, Global Partner Program & Experience


Rachel Collie

Director, Technology Partnerships and App Marketplace


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